Thanks. I think we will go forward with this guy then. I really liked what he had to say in his statement. The ENT still hasn't called us back so we asked our family MD how long it might be before the biopsy results returned. He told us it could be 7-10 days. Really??? Is that true?
I was tensing every time the phone rang and it's only been 2 business days.
Given that is it premature for Dave to do a PET? I honestly don't think the ENT realizes he went for his MRI already and has the PET scheduled for Friday. He told us it might take quite awhile before the tests could be scheduled.
Arghhh. Not having anyone manage this is frustrating.
Whatever this thing is(still don't know how to describe it---gash, wound) is starting to heal since Dave stopped smoking.
Do these things come and go? Is that why it's often easy to miss?
We asked for the mouthwash but he wasn't familiar with it. He's going to look into it though.

Last edited by SusanW; 02-09-2010 06:52 PM.

CG to Spouse BOT, Chemo and radiation started on March 29,2010
Ended on May 14,2010. LET THE HEALING BEGIN!!!