Hi Mary, wanted to say that I have found this place is so helpful and I'm sure you will as well.

I'm hoping someone can help us figure out our next step now. We are still waiting for the biopsy and MRI report. From being on here even though he was told it is 100 percent cancer I know to wait to find out results and get info. But we absolutely know we don't want that MD to be involved(no matter what it is). Even if he is right(and I hope not) we don't like his presentation.
So, we are persuing the Sloan route. We are recommended to several people there from MDs we trust.
The one we are leaning towards works there as well as one of their off site places. Reading his stuff he says all the right things and he has a good reputation. However, he is a surgeon and someone suggested that might imply a bias to cut. However, that is not what his profile says. It suggests an understanding of a team approach. Thoughts?

Also, if anyone did use Sloan and wouldn't mind sending me a PM about any experiences or Drs that would be great.

And Jerry, once again---THANKS.

CG to Spouse BOT, Chemo and radiation started on March 29,2010
Ended on May 14,2010. LET THE HEALING BEGIN!!!