
Hang in there girl, you are doing an amazing job. When our dogs were puppies and they would cry at night, I use to put a ticking clock next to them and that helped. I was told it sounds like their Mother's heartbeat. And I have to admit, my latest dog, when she was a puppy and would start to cry, I let her sleep with me. I know I'm bad...:) Sending prayers for you and Matt. Thanks for keeping us updated.



Caregiver to husband Ron. Throat Cancer. Finished 35 radiation treatments on 11/21/04. 8/2/11 small lesion on lower gum, laser Procedure to remove. 3/6/12 Doc. removed another lesion on outside of his neck. Did a skin graft from his chest to replace the skin on his neck. Went to Heaven on 6/24/12.