I put on my armor and attitude last night and told him he was NOT going to determine what my opinions were, and I gave him the courtesy of listening to him, he can by God do the same for me.
I also told him he was not going to leave me wondering what the hell to do and to fill out an advanced directive.
(he of course says, he brought them home, I should have filled one out) - ugh
So, I said, fine, just make me POA and I'll handle it!!!!!

And, much to my joy, he said, okay, get the form.


I just had to get demanding.

Happy Wednesday everyone. Hope it's a good one.

CG to my husband, Matt. Dx June 2009 Stage IV Oropharengeal SCC right tonsil primary with distant metastases. Rad to neck- Surgeries to lungs- Every avail chemo - ran out of options Jan 2012, called for hospice help Feb 2012, at rest March 19, 2012.