I apologize for not posting sooner and am greatly saddened by your recent news.
But... I know you can do it!

And I can't resist, in the interest of those of us on these forums past their sixth decade (sadly too few for several reasons):

[quote=davidcpa]Yesterday I was riding along by myself at 18 mpg into a slight head wind (really struggling)and I look behind me and I see someone slowly but surely catching up so he has to be going 20, 22. Riding into a headwind by yourself is NOT fun. Anyway he pulls along beside me and it's a riding friend who has muscles on top of muscles and veins on top of veins, probably negative body fat, etc. I can hardly breath much less talk and he's talking up a storm. Now he's the one that must have found that spring because he's 75. [/quote]

Any "Old Frack" that can still get 18mpg is OK by me. What kind of motor you got on that bike?

Love you guys.


2mm tumor excised 09/23/2008 (floor of mouth)
SCC (superficially invasive, well-differentiated)
Stage 1, T1N0M0
01/2009 and 01/2010 - PET/CT clear
Four and 1/2 years - NED!
"Detection can be easy, treatment is not!"