I am also speaking with Heather privately. She wants information and support but felt very attacked when she most needed someone to talk to. Bear in mind, as well that she is a care giver, not the patient, and it is not her decision to make on treatment and doctor options.

I realize everyone here is trying to provide information from their own experiences, and they are emotionally charged experiences, to boot, but if someone asks people to back off, they need to listen. This is supposed to be a place where people listen, and not judge, and I can see very much how she felt judged.

Diag: Aug. 13/12
50% + glossectomy and bilateral radical neck dissection, removal of nodes zones I - V
Surgery October 11/12
Chemo/rad on hold due to clear margins and nodes
Sept 21/13 clear CT with anomaly thought to be the artery, being watched closely.
Dec 16/13 - anomaly confirmed artery, all clear
nickname: "get 'r done"
Plans: kick cancer's butt