[quote]Additionally, for the patients treated with cetuximab, overall survival was significantly improved in those who experienced an acneiform rash of at least grade 2 severity compared with patients with no rash or grade 1 rash (HR 0�49, 0�34�0�72; p=0�002).[/quote]

Paul, I think your oncologist might have been having a bad day when he stated that there was no correlation between rash and effect. There are dozens of studies that show there is a survival benefit associated with the rash caused by Erbitux. As there are too many to cite, I have just inserted a quote from the Bonner group whose work is probably most recognised when discussing Erbitux.

For those who want to read the whole thing, publication is Bonner et al. The Lancet Oncology Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 21�2

Of course there are always exceptions to the rule ... the appearance of a rash does not guarantee survival, and neither does the non appearance of a rash mean certain failure. This is possibly why the oncologist makes such a statement as the lack of reaction of the patient does not seem to cause the patient to have a switch of therapy??? Maybe someone else HAS had this happen and can correct me.

Love of Life to Alex T4N2M0 SCC Tonsil, BOT, R lymph nodes
Dx March 2010 51yrs. Unresectable. HPV+ve
Tx Chemo x 3+1 cycles(cisplatin,docetaxel,5FU)- complete May 31
Chemoradiation (IMRTx35 + weekly cisplatin)
Finish Aug 27
Return to work 2 years on
3 years out Aug 27 2013 NED smile
Still underweight