My husband had the rash bad...even up in his scalp...we called it the "benjamin button" affect, he definately looked like he was aging backwards. Once it started to heal, I helped it along with some neosporin. Good news was, in the scheme of things, it came and went pretty quickly. Also, it was our understanding that the rash was a good sign.

wife/caregiver to Vince, dx 4/12 Stage IV BOT HPV+ SCC, poorly diff.; T4N2cMo; U of C; Clinical trial, Everolimus; 6 wks ind. chemo (Cetuximab, Cisplatin & Taxol), 50 x IMRT, 75 gy chemorad w/5FU, Hydrea & Taxol; 5 years out, thankfully still NED