I had people criticizing me for saying "I'll ask/talk to my doctor about that" all the time. They seemed to want me to cut doctors out and listen to them only. I thought I was just putting it straight about the strangeness of crediting you all's advice being so perfect and comprehensive that doctors couldn't have anything to contribute. From one opinionated person on the internet to another, I wouldn't bat an eye at someone telling me I'm not a doctor and they're damn well going to talk to doctors as well as me. It wouldn't occur to me to think they were being undiplomatic or inconsiderate of feelings by saying something as obvious as the sky is blue.

Even so, I'm human and at a time like this my confidence is vulnerable to periods of being shaken, no matter how much of a big confident man I am the rest of the time. Sheesh.

Diag 12/21/11
Surg 1/17
5cm tumor left tongue pos. L tonsil neg. 17 l. neck lymph nodes, 2 pos w/extranodal excursion. 4 teeth neg
Tongue spec 5.9x3x1.8cm. Margins clear to 0.4-0.5 cm
2/20-3/27 27 radiation, 2/20-4/12 3 chemo.
Non HPV, lifetime tobacco, drugs, alcohol teetotaler