Eric: LOL! Didn't mean to call you a fat cat or imply anything about where you came from, your character, or how hard you work, man. Just saying that six figures is a minimum of 3 times as much as I make, no judgements or comparisons of either of us as people. Just numbers. My financial ruin would come faster is all. But I can't pass it on to my loved ones, other than let them drain their accounts on gifts to me while I'm here (which I will discourage within reason). That's an advantage I have over you.

Diag 12/21/11
Surg 1/17
5cm tumor left tongue pos. L tonsil neg. 17 l. neck lymph nodes, 2 pos w/extranodal excursion. 4 teeth neg
Tongue spec 5.9x3x1.8cm. Margins clear to 0.4-0.5 cm
2/20-3/27 27 radiation, 2/20-4/12 3 chemo.
Non HPV, lifetime tobacco, drugs, alcohol teetotaler