I also need to update about my pathology report, and I will..... But here's a taste of it "Residual tumor ( this is what was still there and actively growing back from April 11 surgery, just one month prior)
" Residual moderately differentiating Invasive squamous cell carcinoma, Keratinizing type. "

It gives it's dimensions. -- this tumor originated in Floor of mouth and grew up into my tongue Flap..... But here is the kicker-- the anterior margin ( front margin, which in this case is right behind my right bottom lip-- is LESS THAN 1 MILLIMETER)

okay, with my huge Primary tongue tumor, my posterior dorsal margin ( In the back)- was also Less than 1 Millimeter. Not good!!! You don't want that close a Margin in the back where it will recite and go down your throat-- Which is Exactly where my Recurrences were, Base of Tongue extending down.

Less than 1Millimeter is NOT a Clear Margin, my Radiation Oncologist told me. He said that's Way Too Close. He said that a Grey area.... It's too Close to be considered a Clear Margin.

It was yet another reason, with my Primary tumor, that I had to have Radiation. ( the other reasons were my tumor size of 6.3 Centimeters, and that I had PNI. )

So, what do you guys say, about this? This most recent tumor from Floor of mouth that invaded my tongue flap, also had a Margin ( front margin) of Less Than 1 millimeter.

Is a Clear Margin still Clear, if it's that Close?? My Radiation Oncologist says no, it's not clear. It's too Close.

Also, please read my previous post here, about 2 of my surgical sites Not Healing & being infected. Edges of wound are retracted and not closing up. Another bad sequelae of doing surgeries after Radiation.... But we had no choice,!!!
But now, I have a nasty non healing wound and it's so painful.

My surgeon re emphasized to me that this was a Extensive surgery, to the entire Floor of mouth and to tongue flap, and that he went 2.2 Centimeters down through my Floor of mouth.
The area that's not healing took a very Heavy dose of Radiation, in early 2018. For the specific tumors that were there then. So, the tissues there are damaged.
