Thanks Connie. I do have a history of allergies, though the obvious signs have actually gotten better over the years. My dad still suffers tremendously. We do suspect mold in our older home and have had testing but the levels were never to a point where remediation was a consideration. We run our AC to keep humidity down and use air filtration. I do have a pretty constant post-nasal drip during certain times of the year and end up with a bout or two of sinusitis every winter. Crossing my fingers it’s allergies and TMJ. I feel as though I can safely assume TMJ is likely an issue for me as I recall lots of jaw pain after my last dental visit when I had to keep my mouth open for long periods of time. I also have never been able to open my mouth super wide and get jaw pain/headaches when I chew gum. There is also the periodic grinding sound in my jaw when I open it.

It’s always so tough to know which symptoms to take seriously when so many symptoms that can point to serious conditions, can also be explained by much less serious, treatable ones.