Thanks! So, I’m not over the moon for her. But I recently had to select a new PCP and it was really hard to find one who could fit me in for a physical within a YEAR. She’s not terrible but she knows I have anxiety so I think she is dismissive. I actually just read my follow up notes from having her check out my nodes and it just says “treated for anxiety”. Which is basically what she summed up my visit as. She also threw OCD in the mix but then corrected herself.

I guess it’s not fair to say dismissive. I went to her with abdominal pain and tenderness and she immediately ordered a CT. And I had a huge gallstone. She did, however, refuse to make me an urgent GI referral even though I was presenting with very worrisome symptoms (I’ll spare everyone.) I went the regular route (I don’t need referrals to specialists but just won’t get in urgently) and my GI wanted to do a colonoscopy. Unusual for a 35 year old, but he did find 3 polyps which he stated was unusual for my age. I don’t have those pathology results yet... I’m glad I self-referred though.

Anyway, I’m on the fence about her. I think on the one hand she wanted to be reassuring to someone she has diagnosed as having GAD but also lacks the thoughtfulness I would prefer.