Hi Lorie

I think the oncologists attitude is un-called for. Just becaue one follow up scan came back clear doesn't mean he washes his hands of your husband.. What about regular follow ups, is he not going to do those either?

I'm about a year and a half post surgery for first time around, still get sore shoulder at times. Took several months after the second surgery to get rid of a lot of soreness, something like about 4-6 months. I'm surprised I can't forcast weather with the aches and pains. Asked the surgeon about the surgery, and post surgery pain, he said I really didn't want to know the surgery details and what they do. OK...

Something a friend suggested to me as a home remedy about thrush was vodka and cranberry juice. No deal on the vodka, the alcohol is not good. The cranberry juice made sense though apparently something in that helps to fight yeast type of infections.

As far as getting appetite back for eating orally, kind of just have to force oneself to start, appetite then comes back kind of natural. Like "oh yea, I forgot what food tastes like, yum!"


SCC Tongue, stage IV diagnosed Sept, 2002, 1st radical neck dissection left side in Sept, followed by RAD/Chemo. Discovered spread to right side nodes March 2003, second radical neck dissection April, followed by more RAD/Chemo.