Thanks again for everyone's wonderful "handy-hints" and loads of inspiration and support!

Some things are improving slightly...the AllegraD Don's primary physician prescribed is actually helping the post-nasal drip but of course is making the dry mouth worse. Don says he may try to take it only at night like you suggested. It hasn't really helped the ear pain and we plan on seeing the ENT for this just in case it is damage from the radiation and not just a side-effect from the post nasal drip. The top of the tongue was getting better, until the radiation oncologist examined him and stuck his fingers all it is hurting more again, but we at least know what caused that. Don says it seems the under-side of his tongue is healing faster than the top, but given the news the GI specialist told us today that will not really matter.

Don had a barium swallow x-ray yesterday and today we saw the GI specialist about his problem swallowing. Well, again good news and bad news. Good news was it didn't seem too bad. Bad news- there is slight tightening of the esophagus and it appears that he is aspirating the fluids he is drinking into his lung. So, he told Don not to drink thin liquids like water. He said ok for the Carnation instant breakfast and he wants him to try shakes, but we told him the only problem with that is that it sticks to the "gunk" in the back of his throat...boy, the fun never ends. The GI specialist is going to get the insurance to approve a scope test of Don's escophigus and is referring him to a speach therapist so that we can learn what foods are safe for Don to try. He is also referring him to the ENT to check the area of the tonsil (where the tumor was removed) where he thinks the problem is that is causing the aspiration and difficulties swallowing.

Needless to say Don's spirits are low again, but on the bright side he is getting a little mad at everything now. He is going to go golfing on Sunday with "the boys" to let out this pent up anxiety. I am proud of him for this. At least the hernia is healing well and he can now move around and drive and isn't stuck in the house as much.

We will be seeing his primary care physician Monday and I will be asking about anti-depression meds for him. I went to my doctor Wednesday and now I'm on Lexapro.

Again thanks for all your support and words of encouragement.


Lorie/wife of Don, DX:8-7-03, Tonsil cancer left side stage III, IMRT x 35, 6 chemo (Cisplatin/Taxol), clear CT Scan 12-26-2003. Mets to both lungs & AML 11-6-05, mets to brain Jan 2006, mets to liver & bones April 2006, passed away July 20, 2006.