Hi again Lorie,

I am so glad to hear that his spirits are up! That is a very important step in healing. The nystatin would work for me usually in 2 days or less. I had patches of stuff that would show up after taking the first doses. These patches would then go away. I can only guess at what it was (I imagined dead fungi) but I know the burning would go away. In your husband's case, he is in the window where the pain may still be from the effects of radiation and chemo (I didn't get chemo). The fungal (thrush) will definately make it worse so continue with the Nystatin at least a few more days. Nothing wrong with Diflucan either except it is a systemic (total body) type treatment and can be hard on the liver. Whereas Nystatin is fairly harmless except to fungi that it comes in contact with. If it were me I would reserve it for later if the Nystatin works. By the way I would take it for at most 3 or 4 days and then would not take it again until symptoms came back (2 or so weeks at first).

With regard to eating, I was perhaps fortunate in that my appetite returned rather quickly. I had a prime rib about 1 week after the end. Red (in fact rare!) meat was the only thing that tasted right throughout my treatment and if tender was fairly easy to eat. I took this as a sign that my system needed what was in the meat to rebuild).

Everybody is different in the way they recover. My suggestion is to be positive enough to keep your spirits up and do not let yourselves get down at all if you don't see recovery happen as fast as you want. As others have said if you look for positive change daily you probably will miss it, but if you look back weekly you will realize it is happening smile

AND GARY I am suprised! COLA?! frown that stuff is probably worse than anything.

Mark, 21 Year survivor, SCC right tonsil, 3 nodes positive, one with extra-capsular spread. I never asked what stage (would have scared me anyway) Right side tonsillectomy, radical neck dissection right side, maximum radiation to both sides, no chemo, no PEG, age 40 when diagnosed.