
Thanks for your experience. It really helps to know that other people experience the same thing with some foods/drinks being ok one day and then not ok the next. After reading your story I'm very glad my husband had the PEG tube put in before treatment started. When he felt brave enough to try to eat/drink something and then it stung really bad he wouldn't want to try for a long time after that...the PEG tube gave him this option...he didn't have to force it down. The PEG tube also has allowed him to only lose 27 pounds total and he has gained 5 of that back already.

After reading the wonderful imput from everyone on this site he is feeling in much better spirits already. There is nothing like hearing from others who are going through the same thing to let you know you are not alone and that you are not "weird", as his radiation oncologist jokes with him about when he doesn't know what else to say.


Lorie/wife of Don, DX:8-7-03, Tonsil cancer left side stage III, IMRT x 35, 6 chemo (Cisplatin/Taxol), clear CT Scan 12-26-2003. Mets to both lungs & AML 11-6-05, mets to brain Jan 2006, mets to liver & bones April 2006, passed away July 20, 2006.