Hello Everyone,

I in no way took your post as you think.I think we all got caught up in the moment,everyone has their own views and is very passionate about them.I deceided that the choice on what he wants to do is going to be solely up to Joe,I will listen to him and try to help him if he doesn't understand the things that the doctors are saying but I am not going to interject my own feelings into them.I thought it was my duty to do so but I now understand that it isn't.The only thing I'm going to ensure is that all the doctors are as frank with him as they possibly can be,and let him make his own choice of free will.

Also,there is not an issue about disfigurment.He was going to allow the surgeon to remove all he needed in the first place.He understood what he would have looked like.His answer was I guess I won't be posing for playgirl anytime soon!!!So that has nothing to do with it.He wants just enjoy with quality the life he has left regardless of however long that is.I know that is very hard for some of you to think of.We are taught as a soceity to preserve life to all extremes.It seems I've answered my own question after all,it is all about free will.So Rosie,please don't second guess what you've told me it was very valuable as was everyone elses input.So,You're right let's stick to PICC lines and peg tubes and all the rather mundane stuff and the rest will take care of itself.

Thank you all again for all your thoughtful and insightful responses.I feel better right now than I have in 2 months.I feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.
Patty laugh

Caretaker of Joe,10/03 malignant melanoma of the tongue.
50% tongue removed,left radical neck dissection.11/03.Recurrence
to jaw and neck and multiple mets to major organs 1/2004