My husband who is named in the display name was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma in the middle of May. He passed away July 21st. We did not get a 2nd opinion. We were told for his age and health he had a 90% chance of recovering fully. The end of May he had a radical neck dissection on the right side of his neck. After surgery the ENT said it was one of the best but hardest surgeries he's had. 12+ years he's been doing this. He said he couldn't get all of the cancer but the radiation and if needed chemo would take care of it. One thing he neglected to mention and I had to research over the internet. We never asked and he never gave us any information regarding the flip-side. My husband and I know little if at all, anything to do with anykind of cancer. The skin flap died! Wow, what the heck does that mean...So now what? We were told it'll probably heal on its own...I didn't feel good about this at all! He did start healing but then all of a sudden his right eye was swollen shut and he could feel something in the back of his throat. He thought he had an infection. After seeing the ENT again. He takes 2 minutes looks in his mouth says its not an infection it's the cancer. Now we had been thru over 2 weeks of radiation. To make a very long, sad story short. We struggled to get information out of the doctor. Is it not their responsibility to be completely frank and honest with their patients. Holding back critical information like, "Your chances of survival is now extremely low now". My husband could have gotten his affairs in order. He could have been alot more informed re: stage of cancer, which I got out of the radiation therapist some 3-4 weeks after the surgery. Stage iv, how could you not tell your patient they were basically terminal? I am very angry and I probably should have waited a little longer after my husbands death. Needless to say I have very little faith in doctors now. I am sickened by this entire ordeal. I have learned a lesson now. Certainly will not bring my Lanson back will it?

To all: Get a 2nd opinion, ask alot of questions, research anything said on your first appointment thru the internet or library.

I am truely sorry if this letter bothers any of you. It's just my 3 sons and I have alot of unanswered questions. If this letter helps just one person I will know that I have done my part.

Love your friends and family each day as though it were your last.

Nancy L