I want to really strongly advise you to get a second opinion at a major cancer center. Check Dana Farber`s website for malignant melanoma, and all the clinical trials. We have a friend, who`s son has been battling malignant melanoma for several years, he`s been treated with interferon and the new vaccine. He still, at this point, has a new tumor,but has had several years of life that I don`t think he would have had without a major treatment center. The major centers see more and do more. As far as prognosis, we have one right now from a couple months to a couple years....as far as docs saying they haven`t done a neck resection this difficult, etc, makes you wonder about the surgeon. Frank had his entire lower jaw, tongue larynx removed, reconstructed, failed muscle graft, but our docs always had a we can do this attitude,anyway, my point is, I strongly urge you to get to a major treatment center and find out what options you may have. We have been battling for 5 years, and I know if we hadn`t gotten to Boston 2 yrs ago, Frank would have been gone by now. I know Brian feels about clinical trials, but malignant melanoma is nasty, our friend`s son got the real stuff in the clincal trials as opposed to a placebo because it was so advanced, but he`s still here and still fighting......Dee