Hello Everyone,

Please,first of all let me say,I am deeply saddened if I have offened any of you.The web is a fantastic place to gain and share information,but the personal aspects are sometimes lost during written translation.If you were talking to someone face to face the emotion shows in your voice and actions,but when you're writing it sometimes can be translated in a different way.I wish that I was a more eleoquent writer but I'm not.If I come across as being insensitive it's because I can't find the words to say what I truly feel.I did not mean in any manner to suggest that any of you are confused.I meant that I was not being as clear as I wanted to be.I was confusing my own topic.I can't express to you how much I appreciate all of you taking the time and effort to help me with my own cause when all of you have gone through so much.

All of the information that you have shared has been very helpful.I have come to the conclusion that there is no right answer to my original post.
As you all can see there have been conflicting opinions and everyone is very passionate about the "stats and prognosis" numbers.I have learned a valuable lesson in regard to these numbers and I will steer clear of them in any future posts.I based entirely to much on them.There is no clear cut way to do what I feel I need to.If this were my choice,I would do everything that can be medically done to prolong or improve his life.My children are devasted now and he's only been in the hospital for 8 days.I understand that the doctors can give no one guarentees,because there aren't any for anyone healthly or otherwise.I believe Joe is deriving his opinions from watching his Mom die of lung cancer.She suffered from diagnosis through the end of her life.He stated back then to us that if he was ever in a situation like this he didn't want to suffer like that.I know what you're all thinking,that he may be different.The little bits and pieces that the doctors have told him suggests that he may.Although,he can't talk right now,we still talk using a tablet.When I visited last night he told me again that he's tired of being in pain.

They are sending him for blood tests today and a MRI because his skin tone is yellowish.They had to replace the peg tube twice while he's been in the hospital.He was supposed to come home yesterday but they deceided to keep him in for a while longer to run more tests.This is what I was talking about before the doctors are not saying what they know.When the surgery turned out not to be as extensive as they first thought,the surgeon said he would remove the trach tube in 24 hours.From there it went to I'll remove it in a week,then it went to a month.Now it's undetermined.

These are the reasons that I'm so confused.Everytime I believe we have a set game plan it's changed.I'm sure this has happened to many of you.I think I've written a book here so I'm going to close.Again,I want to thank you all for your interest and I am very sorry if I have offended any of you it was truly unintentional.

Thanks Again
Patty frown

Caretaker of Joe,10/03 malignant melanoma of the tongue.
50% tongue removed,left radical neck dissection.11/03.Recurrence
to jaw and neck and multiple mets to major organs 1/2004