Hi Dee,
Thank you for your understanding,I have come to understand that this is much bigger than me.I've been trying to conquer smile smile the world by myself.LOL

He's on a pca pump with morphine sulfate.They have also been adding a little something extra at night for him to sleep.The majority of the pain is surrounding the peg tube right now.His stomach seems to be the worst.The first 2 pegs weren't sealed right and air was getting into his stomach.They think there is another probelm that needs to be addressed.They've stopped his tube feedings and he's just having glucose in his IV for now.He's scheduled for a bunch of tests on Monday.The pain from the actual surgery seems to be minimal compared to his stomach.


Caretaker of Joe,10/03 malignant melanoma of the tongue.
50% tongue removed,left radical neck dissection.11/03.Recurrence
to jaw and neck and multiple mets to major organs 1/2004