No Patty I don't feel confused....I stand by what I said in my previous post. Others have expressed contrasting opinions but it is easy to look back in hind sight and say what "should have been done" to spare pain and suffering, the problem is we nor the docs know when the painfull procedure is going to cure or when it is going to make things more painfull. I do not regret one minute of my painfull and difficult treatment protocol. Tragically some of us will not live our "normal" life span. It is, in my opinion, not a good practice to always accept that doing nothing is the only or preffered course. Some of the latter posts imply that doing nothing (or doing something less drastic) might have been the right thing. I cannot speak for them (and I really feel for their loss) but I will say I personally will not accept "do nothing" especially when vanity is the core reason (as in the treatment would be disfiguring so we didn't do it) I'll worry more about a good looking soul rather than a good looking body in a coffin. Frankly second guessing is always a potential when dealing with such important decisions.

To the new comer here with a recent diagnosis, it would be tragic if they read these posts and decided to not proceed with treatments.

Yes I have found a few flaws in the system, some rather serious others merely inconvenient. but if you give up too soon......

Mark, 21 Year survivor, SCC right tonsil, 3 nodes positive, one with extra-capsular spread. I never asked what stage (would have scared me anyway) Right side tonsillectomy, radical neck dissection right side, maximum radiation to both sides, no chemo, no PEG, age 40 when diagnosed.