
First of all to Dee,the cancer center that he is dealing with is a major one.The doctors there are part of the University of Medical Dentistry.I had his surgeon checked out before he saw him and he has a 30 year spotless record with glowing accolades.The medical oncologist and the radiation oncologist are both the head of their repective departments.I have no issue with the actual care that has been given to him only the wall of secrecy that they seem to have.Almost all of the things I learned about his illness I found out by reports.I have in my possesion every report for all his tests and doctors visits because I needed to expedite his SS case.So since I was the middle man per se I had a lot of knowledge.My neighbor who I mentioned in a previous post,has shown his results to 3 different oncologists.They are all in agreement with his doctors.I think the whole thought process of this thread has gone off course.I am not asking if he should be seen or treated in a different manner.Although I am aggravated by the way his doctors are doing things I find them all to be excellent doctors.In a way they are going above and beyond for him.They convened a tumor board before his surgery to get other opinions.He has been the talk of that center,every visit that he had they took multiple pictures of the tumor in every doctors office.They even took pictures when he went to see the GI for his peg tube.This tumor was just something that only his surgeon had dealt with and even he didn't have one that big before.So,there are many doctors very interested in his case.I just wish one if them would show me the way to deal with this.I'm sorry I rambled on I think I'm confusing all of you and I'm sorry.

Patty confused

Caretaker of Joe,10/03 malignant melanoma of the tongue.
50% tongue removed,left radical neck dissection.11/03.Recurrence
to jaw and neck and multiple mets to major organs 1/2004