"OCF Canuck" Patient Advocate (1000+ posts) Joined: Sep 2006 Posts: 1,357 Likes: 5 | I look at what radiation has done to me and while I wonder why no one told me what to expect, I realize there are three issues at play.
1). I was Stage IV - twice, why talk about long term issues when they don't know if I will be here to complain about them. 2). Every cancer patient has different bone densities, cancer locations and other physical attributes. They cannot predict how someone will react. 3). I had radiation TWICE, and there are no studies, etc on this. Things like permanent fatigue are common amongst the few patients my R.O. Has treated twice, but other than that complaints are apparently all over the place.
Bottom line is that I would not have changed my course of action even if they had listed every possible problem. I am happy to be here to complain!
I would like to hear from others with long term rad tx side effects.
Donna,69, SCC L Tongue T2N1MO Stg IV 4/04 w/partial gloss;32 radtx; T2N2M0 Stg IV; R tongue-2nd partial gloss w/graft 10/07; 30 radtx/2 cispl 2/08. 3rd Oral Cancer surgery 1/22 - Stage 1. 2022 surgery eliminated swallowing and bottom left jaw. Now a “Tubie for Life”.no food envy - Thank God! Surviving isn't easy!!!! .Proudly Canadian - YES, UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE IS WONDERFUL! (Not perfect but definitely WONDERFUL)