
I am truly sorry to hear the outcome of your tests. You have had to deal with so much because of this horrid disease.

We are here for you. Fortunately your vigilance and awareness of this disease has probably put you in a very strong position of getting it under control swiftly.

The way that you have continually supported so many people on this forum since I started visiting here has been incredible. I can't see how you could become a better person than what you already are, you're a tower of strength to so many people. We are here to return the strength and support to you as you face the next challenge.

You will get through this.

Karen xx

46 yrs:
Apr 07-SCC 80% entire tongue removed,T4N1M0
Neck/D,Jaw Split, Trache 2 ops,PEG 3.5yrs
30 x rad,6 x Cisplatin,
30 x HBO
Apr'08- flap Recon + ORN Mandibulectomy
(hip bone to reconstruct jaw)
Oct'08 1 Plate out-jaw
Mar'09 Debulk flap
Sep'09/Jan&Nov'10/Feb&Jun'11/Jan&Jul'12/Oct'13/April'14-More surgery