Todays appointment was both good news and bad too.

Im not Stage 1 this time around. Its Stage 4 since its invaded my lower jaw bone.

The doc said he probably will not need to use my leg bone for my jaw. He is making a steel bar to use. He also said that it will be the bottom jaw only that needs to be taken.

Im upset by the details today. My jaw and ear hurt like heck. I was given ear drops to help my ear and Im seeing my ENT again before the big day. It will be a long 6+ hour surgery and will take skin from my stomach area for my new cheek.

Thanks for the positive comments smile

SCC 6/15/07 L chk & by L molar both Stag I, age44
2x cispltn-35 IMRT end 9/27/07
-65 lbs in 2 mo, no caregvr
Clear PET 1/08
4/4/08 recur L chk Stag I
surg 4/16/08 clr marg
215 HBO dives
3/09 teeth out, trismus
7/2/09 recur, Stg IV
8/24/09 trach, ND, mandiblctmy
3wks medicly inducd coma
2 mo xtended hospital stay, ICU & burn unit
PICC line IV antibx 8 mo
10/4/10, 2/14/11 reconst surg
OC 3x in 3 years
very happy to be alive smile