Liz, we have corresponded many times indirectly. I have read so many of your wonderful posts. The best is seeing your beautiful pictures on facebook, thats the happy stuff I love to see. Yes, Petey, Amy, Brenda, and Margaret were my first friends here. OC is one topic I dont like knowing things about. Overall this site has allowed me to absorb an abundance of info and be able to pass it on to others behind me.

Today is the date with my plastic surgeon. He will probably think I am crazy but Im going to ask him a million questions. Even about a little tummy tuck while he is taking skin from my belly. He will be my miracle man that I need to make me beautiful smile

SCC 6/15/07 L chk & by L molar both Stag I, age44
2x cispltn-35 IMRT end 9/27/07
-65 lbs in 2 mo, no caregvr
Clear PET 1/08
4/4/08 recur L chk Stag I
surg 4/16/08 clr marg
215 HBO dives
3/09 teeth out, trismus
7/2/09 recur, Stg IV
8/24/09 trach, ND, mandiblctmy
3wks medicly inducd coma
2 mo xtended hospital stay, ICU & burn unit
PICC line IV antibx 8 mo
10/4/10, 2/14/11 reconst surg
OC 3x in 3 years
very happy to be alive smile