I see you are PA, I'm in NJ but just moved here. Even still I'm close to PA. Where is she being seen? Fox Chase, Penn? Where in PA are you. It may not hurt to get another opinion.

I'm happy that you are seeing a therapist. It took me a long time to fianally do that and I'm much better now that I did. Don't think of the what if's if you can help it...it will just drive you crazy.

So, you are scared to be with her but scared to be away from her also? Do I understand you correctly? IF so, that is hard and I hope your therapist can help you work through that. It's nice that you have sisters. Have you talked to them about how you are feeling? Does your mom know why you are staying away?

My guess is the case worker deals with this everyday and they don't live with it day in and day out. We're ALWAYS here for you. Feel free to send me PM if you want to vent.

They said it's inoperable? But they still think she has a good chance? Who said that and when?

Last edited by suzanne98; 03-09-2009 04:26 PM.

T1 SCC on right side of tongue
Age 31...27 when diagnosed
4 partial glossectomies
No chemo or radiation
Biopsy on 2/2/10-Clear
Surgery needed again...no later than April 2011
Loving life and just became a mother on 11/25/10
It's not what we CAN'T do..it's what we CAN do:)