Can you explain a little more what you describe in the 3rd response of this thread. Is this something that you would recommend my mom ask for from the get go of radiation.? What is the difference between having them spray your mouth out daily and you rinsing after radiation? In another reply I read they sprayed out your mouth with saline. Did they spray your mouth after radiation? Did they use just a regular spray bottle? Just more of what you you wrote would be appreciated. Which of these items would you suggest someone request in their first meeting with their Radiologist? It would be the radiologist not the oncologist? Which one prescribes the meds and the monstor mouthwash? I expect my mom will see a radiologist next. Thank you for further clarification., Lynn

I don't see mentioning working with a registered dietician, a Speech and Swallow Therapist, SLP, which I recommend. When I did radiation I had my mouth sprayed out daily in radiology, which helped mucocitus,and thrush, which are sometimes difficult to differentiate and occur concurrently, along with other conditions, including bacterial or viral infections, which need to be treated appropriately, and had extra hydration in radiology, in addition to being prescribed NeutraSal for Mucocitus & Dry Mouth, Nyststin for thrush, Magic mouthwash for pain in order to swallow, opioids.

Adult Daughter of Mother with OC