OK, another update.

This week we will be getting our first scan since the beginning of the trial. It sounds like there is a 25% growth margin (meaning the tumors they are measuring must have grown less than 25%) in order to continue. It takes some time (apparently) for the body's immune system to start to do its good work on the tumors.

For myself, I am a bit up and down. The nagging cough has persisted which I find discouraging but the medicine is very promising and my overall health seems to be pretty steady which I find encouraging. I have had three infusions of the trial so far and the side effects are quite minimal so that is also promising.

I can't lie -- if this trial doesn't work I will be a bit discouraged so I am trying to stay very hopeful. My doctor continues to love the overall way I look although he is on me about gaining a bit of weight -- I'm having some trouble weaning myself from the all day eating I did after the radiation last year. Fair cop on his part, I need to drop a few pounds now smile. I just hate when options close out.

My wife (whom some of you know as the most amazing woman in the world) have started a non-profit musicians' haven for cancer patients, survivors and caregivers. The idea is to put together a couple of ensembles of people that understand our issues -- it is difficult to be in a band with people that don't understand chemo-hangovers, doctor's appointments, extended absences, etc. We decided to put together a studio where people could come and play, organize and teach, learn and practice without any pressures. We are hoping it will be like a support group for artists, but without having to talk or think too much about cancer. That has taken over our basement and is keeping us busy. It's a small group so far, but hopefully growing, and I'm excited to have that to look forward to on the weekends.

Hopefully everyone here is doing well -- I am not as active as I was - I continue to try and behave as though I am not a cancer patient. I will update again when I have news!


The Hellion

SCC Base of Tongue
Diagnosed 3/5/2014 T2N2C
PEG Installed 3/19/2014
Chemo/Rad 3/27/2014
1x Cisplatin, 4+ TaxoCarboplat + 33 * 70 gy
Chemo FINISHED 5/5/2014
PEG tube removed 10/08/14
Back to work 4 Aug full time
1/19/15 - diagnosed mets to lungs
7/17/15 began Pembrolizumab clinical trial demitted October 2015
1/14/16 began Tremi-MEDI trial
-This far, no further! On ne passe pas!

**update** passed away 3/26/16 RIP, you will be missed by many