Stacey, I am so a fellow caregiver, I know how tough it can be. While my husband had his headstrong moments, sounds like yours takes the cake. For what it's worth, my attitude was that he could get as mad and annoyed at me as he needed to, I really didn't care if he even liked me through treatment, as long as he got his stuff done. I believe it's the right thing to do to use anything and everything you can, including the tears of our children, to motivate a patient through the toughest parts.

Re: mouth sores from fillings, we were given a letter to take to our dentist as well. Rather than using our regular dentist, we searched out a good onc dentist, who made the fluoride trays plus offered to make scatter guards to prevent just what your describing. The scatter guards worked well, but my husband started to get mouth sores around week 2. He added using a c-pap chin strap while he slept to keep his mouth closed and moist, along with rinsing with 1:3 hydrogen peroxide, pink mouthwash, mugard & caphosol. Made it through the rest of tx relatively sore free. Don''t think because you already have sores, there's nothing that can be done to improve the situation.

I know it's incredibly tough, made tougher by his attitude with family support, but do not let up. Come on here and vent as much as you need to, we understand and we're here for you. Ana

Last edited by AnaD; 12-29-2012 10:01 AM.

wife/caregiver to Vince, dx 4/12 Stage IV BOT HPV+ SCC, poorly diff.; T4N2cMo; U of C; Clinical trial, Everolimus; 6 wks ind. chemo (Cetuximab, Cisplatin & Taxol), 50 x IMRT, 75 gy chemorad w/5FU, Hydrea & Taxol; 5 years out, thankfully still NED