Hi, Stacey,
my husband had the same problem with scatter from the radidation. Don't worrry about the radiation to the cancerous areas - that is getting there just fine.

In the case of an unknown primary, they should be radiating the best guess of where the primary is / was. You can verify with the RO that the tonsillar area was also zapped.

This was about the time when fatigue set in with my husband, too. It is a tough road, but I am sure you will get throught it together. Nutrition and hydration is key - you want to get the the TX as close to schedule as possible!

CG to husband - SCC Tonsil T1N2M0 HPV+ Never Smoker
First symptoms 7/2010, DX 12/2010
TX 40 IRMT (1.8 gy) + 10 Cetuximab
PET Scans 6/2011 + 3/2012 clear, 5 year physical exam clear; chest CT's clear of cancer. On thyroid pills. Life is good.