Dear Stacey,
I am so sorry you are going through this. I don't know whether to tell you to be the caregiver from heck, or try crying and begging!! I know at one point Kevin was being so yucky at our mo's office that I got his coat, threw it in his lap, put my coat on and thanked the mo and nurses for their time. I explained that due to Kevin's attitude we were done with tx and were leaving and would not be back. I picked up my purse and headed for the door. Kevin finally said "wait, I never said I wanted to stop tx." He agreed to do what they were asking and apologized for being a jerk. We all agreed to let it go and onward we went. From there on out it was good. All this to say maybe you should call his bluff and just leave him be for awhile, being sure you explain to him that he WILL die, but if that was what he was choosing so be it. Maybe it will work. Then again, if he's too stubborn, maybe it won't!
Again, so sorry you are having to deal with this. Please know we, the other caregivers, understand how hard this is. We are doing all we can to save them, and they are being punk butts!! Just stinks!

Kathy wife/caregiver to:
Kevin age:53
Dx 7/15/11
Non smoker, casual drinker
7/27/11 Cistplatin, taxotere,5FU 2/3week sessions, followed by IMRT 125cgy x 60 (2x daily) w/Erbitux weekly. Last rad 10/26/11. Last Erbitux 10/27/11
PEG placed 9/1/11 Removed 11/8/11
Clear PET 10/12 and 10/13 and ct in 6/14