Thanks to all of you. This has not been a good day. He went for RT today without waking me up or anything..he just left. I told the RO last week that he was not taking the meds as prescribed. The RO is on vacation now but the RO apparently emailed the MO that I was concerned about not taking them as prescribed plus the other concerns that I have stated in this forum. The RO was concerned too. My husband sent me texts today that they were running behind and it was pathetic. I replied that if he walked out then he reduced his odds of survival by 1 more percent. He's missed 5 days (sick) and (also Christmas and New Years Day but that was out of his control. He is in bed now because he threw up. I asked if had ever started taking the steroid med intented to prevent nausea and he replied that 'you already know the answer to that'. So I am going to let him be and I am going to the downstairs bedroom. I have my cell phone and my older son is upstairs. I don't understand the attitude and hardheadedness or why I can't invite someone in my family to our house (because I have no one to talk to even about the weather) or the being mad at me or refusal to sign a Health Power of Attorney. He has no will and I didn't ask for a living will. I would like a Health Power of Attorney tho. Goodnight and Thanks again.

Stacey (Caregiver to Husband)
Lymph Node Removed 10/12
Dx SCC MET 10/12
No Primary Tumor Found
IMRT x 33 (Started RT late 11/12)
CT Scan and PET Scan Clear 4/13