Thanks for your support. He finally took the steroid nausea med last night and threw up. (Since he did the same with the other nausea med he doesn't want to take them.) He tried all morning to eat jello and couldn't. Today is the first day that he has had food (gum up or ball up) in his mouth and he literally can't swallow it. I wanted to call the Doctor and he said no. He did have IV fluids after radiation but he threw up after we came home. He has had nothing to eat but that small amount of Jello and some water. I scheduled him for more fluids on Sunday.

Stacey (Caregiver to Husband)
Lymph Node Removed 10/12
Dx SCC MET 10/12
No Primary Tumor Found
IMRT x 33 (Started RT late 11/12)
CT Scan and PET Scan Clear 4/13