Hello I can't add a whole lot that wasn't said already. We know that though we share the same disease everyone's cancer is individually different and we respond differently too treatment as well. I do agree with the swallowing exercises; though my swallow is fairly well. My hospital never gave me swallow exercises; I am talking to a girl now is is going through treatment at MD Anderson and she was given swallowing exercises right away. Some people may have had swallowing problems before this even started but didn't realize it. Also, as woman you may be very petite so less tissue, surface to work with; which brings me to the one thing know one spoke about surgery after radiation. I like most people was able to have the neck dissection before radiation and it effected very little tissue. However, in your situation I'm not sure why they waited either they thought they could go with out the neck dissection like Michael Douglas or the tumors where in operable in the neck at the time; but I was told and have read that surgery on irradiated tissue is a lot more difficult. This may be where your problem lies. All I can say is take the other members above advice, also not sure what hospital you are at but if you are not happy with there therapy u may need to search elsewhere. Best of luck! Big Hugs!

Last edited by Irishgypsie; 11-20-2010 06:25 AM.


HPV +16 Right Tonsil SCC with 1 Right lymph node. Tonsillectomy and neck resection.

Got 33 radiation doses via tomo machine (58 gry to back of throat, 65 gry to right neck, and 56 gry to left neck) with 2 cisplatin and one carboplatin due to possible hearing loss.