Wow !! It is great to have access to so much information, more importantly, this is 1st hand experience that you are all sharing, with great compassion and it makes a real difference to get such responsive support. I want to say a very big "Thanks" to all of you, I have read through your replies and you show much empathy, alongside some good solid advice regarding things that have worked for you and suggestions that I can try.

I feel like I need to give this all I've got now and will be getting down to some PT next week, as well as trying some other things you have advised. It seems the surgery can heal differently after RT, but as my SCC was advanced, it was not possible to do the neck dissection before RT.

Good luck to each and everyone of you.
Suzy (London)

Stage IV tonsil cancer T3N2bM0. diagnosed in April 2010, had tonsillectomy and some of soft palate removed May. June introductory chemo (Cisplatin/5FU) followed by 6 weeks RT with 4 cycles Cisplatin from mid July to end August. early October modified radical neck dissection RHS.