Hi Suzy,

A familiar story to mine, 7 years ago...my primary was on my tonsil pillar, the secondary was under my chin (3 x 2.5cm). I had the radical neck dissection on that side, 41 nodes removed, 1 positive, thought that wasn't too bad of odds!). I only had radio, no chemo but I have had many problems since - rotting teeth, (14 root canals I think? My dentist has lost count also!). Besides the teeth problems I also had problems getting food down and reflux, so I went for a colonoscopy and endoscopy recently (family history of both ends!). They couldn't do the endoscopy because of a stricture, quite common after radiotherapy. Thus I went to my original surgeon (ENT & Head & Neck specialist) and last week he performed a endogastronoscopy (spell?) with his nice thin tubes and camera. He got past the stricture, performed a balloon dilation and after a few days of pain I can swallow better without throwing up! I see him next week and he wants to do another one. I don't mind because it means I can finally put on some weight (and hopefully not the last one to finish a meal in a restaurant! ;-) Really puts you off eating and my friends & family say I'm scrawny. Just lost my appetite for food even though I'm hungry).

It was so good to finally get a result - my doc said my oesophagus was about the size of a threepence instead of a florin (I see you're from the UK so you'll know what I mean!). And at least I can get vitamin pills down (even though I still halve them), without them getting stuck between the trachea and oesophagus (I timed how long a Vit B takes to dissolve, without throwing up! ;-) )

All I can suggest is see a good ENT man/woman (not sexist here!) and see what they say. The after pain is worth it, nothing like the RND & radio! And ask for a general anaesthetic;-)


Tizz (aka Meredith Brooks)

Any other questions feel free to ask:-)

End of Radiation - the "Ides of March" 2004 :-)