Hi Suzy,
I'm glad you got some good responses and ideas from the others. Mike did not have the neck dissection, but he did have the choking sensation and the feeling of items getting caught in the throat. He also got the "turkey chin". That went away on it's own. The swallowing got better with time, and he needed a couple throat dilations to help it along.
I am wishing you the best as you try some of the suggestions offered as well as your PT.
Keep us posted as to your progress.


Ginny, spouse of MikeG. SSC BOT T2N1M0 Stage III, Dx 06/27/06 at age 52, Tx 07/31/06 through 09/28/06 Chemo Cisplatin & 5FU x2, Radiation x42. Cancer free and doing well.