Hi Suzy

Prior to being treated for left tonsillar cancer Carol couldn't eat and had a very difficult time even sipping water which ended up coming out through her nose. After radiation and chemo she was beginning to eat some very soft foods. Unfortunately she had a recurrence shortly after and underwent surgery. Carol is 3 months post surgery and it still feels as if something is stuck at the back of her throat, having difficulty swallowing. She is doing the massages and exercises but her neck is still very stiff and can't lift her left arm too high. It is still too soon after surgery and hopefully this will lessen over time.

It is indeed good news you are able to eat some foods so soon. This is a positive sign and you are on your way to healing! I would also strongly encourage you to talk to your doctors about your issues and getting them addressed.

Sorry I'm not able to give you anything directly related to your questions, but you have come to the right place. The folks here are a wealth of information and insight. I haven't posted in a few months, but this is the site that provided me with tons of info to OC, both the pros and cons.


CG/Carol 57;SCC Stage IV L Tonsil T4N2bM0 12/2009
Recur 7/2010 - 2cm mass Invasive SCC L Floor Lower Jaw
Surgery 8/10 - Trach,ND,p. mandibulectomy,pec flap
ypT4aN0 HG Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
2nd Recur 1/18/11 - Tumor lower left lip
Surgery 2/9/11 - Canceled - Inoperable
3/29/11 - Died