Glad you spoke again Donna! It is an addiction and one of the hardest to let go of. I quit two and a half years ago and it was one of the hardest things I have done. I still think I am missing " something" from time to time. I to will pray that she has been able to quit. Unfortunatly it is something you have to "want" to do.

CG to Sister (42). Smoker quit @ diagnosis Dx 4/20/10 SCC T2N0M0, Rside of tongue Hemigloss R neck dis, all nodes removed 6/2/10, Trach and NG in, home 6/8/10,8/18/2010 start erbitux x6, 30 IMRT end 10/11/10 with only 3x erbitux due to reaction and one week off of rads
1/10/2011 Clear PET!!!