Donna, sorry that you are having to deal with this. I understand your frustration and fear. I don't think that your parents are ignorant or arrogant. We always want the best for those we love and hate to see them making choices we wish they would not make. We want to keep them as long as possible and as healthy as possible. However, in the end, it is their life, their choice and their right to choose.

I know I am probably coming from an entirely different perspective than most on the forum but I strongly believe that people have the right to self determination. After all is said and done, we are powerless over other people. If you mom refuses to quit smoking, then acceptance of her decision may be your only way to peace with it.


Aunt diag. 2/4/10 with SCC Stage I/II on left side of tongue. Surgery 2/19/10 part. gloss./neck diss. on left side/free flap from chest muscle. TI/II,NO,MO. Clear margins with perineural invasion. Started rads 4/8/10 - 35 treatments, finished 5/26/10.