My OCF Friends,
I am very low tonight. We met today with the oncologist. Both of Ron's biopsies came back positive, so this is his second recurrence within 4 months. His prognosis is not good. The Dr. said that without tx he would have 3 months. With tx, probably a year. He is starting
Erbitux this week, and will stay on that indefinitely, as long as it's working. If it stops working, we move on to a clinical trial. He says that radiation would do no good at this point, since the cancer is widespread, and not localized. He has Perineural invasion, which I guess is like a scaffold effect for the cells to proliferate more quickly. Ron is, as ever, confident and ready to face it. I, on the other hand, am scared out of my mind. I know all of you have faced this with such grace, I just wish I could as well. I am not writing any of this on my blog, at least yet, because my "kids" read it, and I don't want them upset at my negative attitude. I just feel like I am going to lose my husband much too soon, and I don't know how to deal with that.