It seems that his pain is under control for now. We went to the house this morning to check on the progress of the workers and when he came home, he wanted his head shaved - that was a new experience for me. The Dr.'s told him he would lose it and he might as well shave it off.

Linda - you're right, I probably need something for me to take the edge off - but I don't know what would be able to do that for me.

Sue - Liz sent me some great information about the process and it really helped. You might ask her if she would mind sending it to you as well. She is very, very good at understanding the pain that we are enduring as she has definately walked the walk and continues to do so. I just think that Jim was in so much pain that he was ready to toss in the towel; because he has such a high tolerance for pain, it must be very, very bad. I'll be out of town for a few days as Jim wants his parents to meet my mother - wish me luck....remember she's the one that continues to tell me "you knew he had cancer when you married him".

Hand in there, Sue - - - we are all praying for you.

Caregiver to Husband 50 yrs.young-non smoker/non-drinker; Stage IV - all treatments stopped August 2009
Lost the battle November 23, 2010