Thank you, Minnie. He is in excruciating pain and it has worn him down. We took a short trip over the weekend to go see my mom in Louisiana and on the way home today, I got very sleepy and asked him to drive...he did so for about 30 miles and had to pull over, because the pain was too much. He is used to pain - since he lost his leg at the age of 16, he has more than his share, believe me. The pain has definitely taken him down a few notches, but he says, not to worry, he is fine. We go back to the oncologist on the 16th. I think that is a long time to wait for results, but they told us that if we didn't here from them, then "no news is good news". He is going tomorrow to see if they can do anything for his prosthesis to give him some relief. I'm worried that the pain that he is feeling is due to him fracturing his leg, lifting his prosthesis as it in itself is very heavy. Please keep him in your prayers...

Caregiver to Husband 50 yrs.young-non smoker/non-drinker; Stage IV - all treatments stopped August 2009
Lost the battle November 23, 2010