You probably put this issue out for debate Tom, more eloquently than in any previous discussion.
Money isn't really an issue here as far as treatment goes--everyone is treated equally, but there are still the issues of lost income etc.

The 'Quality of Life' issue is one which I am sure we all think about a lot, even if we don't openly discuss it.

The first thing I did before deciding to have treatment, which has only ever been mooted to prolong my life anyway, was talk to my nearest and dearest--who were all desperate for me to 'go for it'. But that's because we knew the side effects SHOULDN'T be too horrendous.
But my family are well-aware of my wishes, that if I feel I can't go on and we're only looking at buying weeks/a few months, then it's hospice care and the most physical comfort I can have.
(I have promised them that I won't jump off a bridge as suicide invalidates the insurance payout!)

It's totally scary to think we're going to die and the statistics don't seem to mean a thing when it comes to deciding 'Is it worth it?'

But take a piece of paper and and jot down all the lives you've impacted on--I'm sure you'll find there's more than a ripple going to be left!
Your thought-provoking post has, as others on here have said, made an impact on us all--it's taken me this long to respond because I just felt you had 'said it all'--apart from you should have 'tidal wave' instead of ripple! smile


Brenda in UK--Diagnosis 30/5/07--undifferentiated carcinoma in right jawbone and muscles. Stage 4
6/7/07--new diagnosis primary is in lung. Finished 4cycles of palliative carboplatin/gemcitabine
therapy September 07
Now dying to live!