Petey. I never met him, and he only posted here on the forum for a short while. I felt like I had known him my entire life.

The impact that he had on an untold number of people during his illness and even in death, cannot be measured. I'm not sure if anyone on the forum ever met him, but everyone loved and respected him. If this ONE person could impact so many that he didn't even know personally, then how much MORE can one person impact another if they DO know one another.

It is my belief that EACH one of us has a specific purpose on this earth. I don't know why some of us survive and others, seemingly more deserving to live, die. I don't understand.

It is also my belief that the decisions you are contemplating are yours and yours alone. I wish that I could express myself more clearly.

How will I feel if I am ever in that position? Or, what if Buzz were to need to make this decision sometime in the future?

To someone, you're their whole world. You're unique, special, one of a kind.

I'm sure you'll make the decision that is right for YOU and your loved ones.

I will certainly be thinking of you, as you face this trial.


CG to 77 y/o hubby;SCC Alveolar Ridge; Wake Forest Baptist Hosp surgery: 07/19/07; bi mod radical resection/jaw replacement;
T2 N2-B M0 Stage IV-A
28 IMRT +
6 Paclitaxel/Carboplatin
Getting stronger every day!