Got "The Phone Call" this morning from my local ENT, the cancer surgeon I"m seeing on Thursday called him with the results. (they used to work together so sort of buddy buddy)

Preminary is the biopsy confirmed it is a tumour. PET/CT confirms, also that it has metastisized to the lungs amoung other placees. Basically suggesting palliive chemotherapy, won't cure but may slow down. What's there is beyond any 'curing' at this point.

Luckily my mom has been in town, wife insisted she come up after we sort of had an idea what was going on. Having a lot of family talks, etc. I don't have it in my anymore to be the "caancer warrior", just want to get affairs in order, get decent hopefullly pain free quaity of life for remaining time, get my head right for the next journey.

And so it goes

SCC Tongue, stage IV diagnosed Sept, 2002, 1st radical neck dissection left side in Sept, followed by RAD/Chemo. Discovered spread to right side nodes March 2003, second radical neck dissection April, followed by more RAD/Chemo.