And, here's an update, almost 2 months out of surgery. Talk about hitting a plateau.

Still having quite a bit of saliva, but now the new thing is thiker phlegm, kind of starts back of the throat,. buids unti I sort of combination cough a d hack it up. Thick dark brown goopy suff, sometimes fleks of blood. Couple nights ago actually a good sized blood clot. Dont' think it's coming from my lungs, not that deep of a cough. Isn't constant, comes and goes but when it starts I cough something up about every half hour. Very annoying. Got part of my throat huring a bit too. Jus5t saw the ENT at the beginning of the month, he looked inside the mouth and didn't see anything. See him agaian beginning of next months, will ask him to do the scope down the nose to check the back of the throat. How long does this saliva/mucous stage last anyway? Getting tired of this real quick makies sleeping difficult,

Stitches have healed up well finally, luckily the scar on my chin isn't real noticable, wear a goatee and you really can't see it. Of course I have to hit the beard with a little "Just for Men" to darken thte grey., My hair is stil mostly brown with just a little grey,, but my beard is total white. A llot of the swelling has gone down, but still swollen under right side of jaw, but that's starting to go down.

Saw radiation oncologist, his feeling is since I've already had radiation twice, the risk of additional radiation at this time was greater than the reward, did not reccomend radiation.

And off for the swallow study tomorrow, hopefully all goes well with that. a bit nervous, as my wife is not taking this good at all, and if I don't pass the swallow test she'll go ballistic.

And that's another problem,. my wife has been totally non-participating in my care since i got home. Basicaly feels like her life is ruined. Sort of acting like she'd rather either she went away until I was "healed up" or I went away, so she doesn't have to deal whith the sight and sound of my being sick. So, lets just say no support from her., other than pressure to "get better" Leads to depression on my part, not a good thing. And if I say anything about being depressed... well that starts a whole nother round of trouble.

So, lets just say I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

SCC Tongue, stage IV diagnosed Sept, 2002, 1st radical neck dissection left side in Sept, followed by RAD/Chemo. Discovered spread to right side nodes March 2003, second radical neck dissection April, followed by more RAD/Chemo.